Well, ladies and gentleman, here is baby bump number 2! We are super procrastinators when it comes to family photos. I’m extremely glad we got these done though because I was definitely large and in charge.
I was thinking about my first pregnancy, and had remembered about this little post I made about two years ago. You can read about it here! In short, it was a little something I wrote about things I would do differently with my next pregnancy. And boy oh boy, did I not do any of these things!
For starters, this pregnancy was a lot rougher on me than my first. I had a lot more morning sickness, aches and pains, and I was working 40+ hour weeks up until I gave birth. So I pretty much had a lot going on! I wanted to be like all of those other cool moms on Instagram or Facebook and be able to just document anything and everything about their lives. Especially their pregnancies. Well, guess what? That’s just completely unrealistic!
Anywho, documenting my pregnancy was (at one point) extremely important to me. Then, after being pregnant for a second time, I got hit with the day to day hard. I wasn’t able to take a lot of pictures with my camera or at all. Not even iPhone pictures. Can you believe that in this day and age I wasn’t able to take a Myspace mirror picture or two?! Crazy, I know. Plus, my intense pregnancy brain made me forget to pretty much do everything. So, there’s that.
I seem to always look back on these bump pictures and regret not taking more. But maybe one day, I’ll find a way to make myself take the camera for a spin. Even if it were just for a photo or three.
The second thing I wanted to do differently was to decorate a nursery. That definitely didn’t happen either. My husband and I have always wanted to decorate a nursery for our children. Our only problem was that we only wanted to do it together. Our work schedules were never the same, and at one point, he left for a whole six months for work. Which was pretty munch most of my pregnancy. And to decorate without him? Couldn’t do it. Because it’s one of those weird couple things that is just not the same if the other isn’t there to share it with.
Lastly, probably the one thing I will never ever do while being pregnant, work out! This time around, I worked up until I had our son. So, I was constantly busy fast walking every where. Though, that was my only form of exercise I was getting. Working while pregnant was exhausting. And every time I did have the chance to do some sort of exercise, my body just would not give in. Staying “fit” while pregnant definitely isn’t easy and I do praise those women who do! They are definitely mom goals.
All in all, I definitely did not think that post through when I wrote it. Because within the past three years, I obviously haven’t changed as much as I thought I would, ha! Either way, one day (or maybe not) I’ll achieve these pregnancy goals I’ve set for myself.
Only time will tell.
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